Khanh Bui

Marketing Coordinator/Administrative Assistant

Khanh is an adaptable and quick learner who is able to pick up new skills and master software applications efficiently making him an asset in the architecture industry. Khanh excels in creating effective marketing strategies that help drive business growth. With a keen eye for detail, he applies his graphic design expertise to produce visually impactful presentations, renderings, and marketing materials.

Known for his strong work ethic and proactive attitude, he remains dedicated to staying current with industry trends and utilizing innovative digital platforms to help Kluger Architects stay competitive and deliver solutions in a constantly evolving market.

Fun Facts:

  • ✔  I catch colds easily. Whether I’m jumping into a cold pool or just standing out in the rain for a few minutes, I end up getting sick
  • ✔  I crack my knuckles and bones all the time every day
  • ✔  I’ve lived most of my life in Finland